We still have seventeen teams that have not paid their League fees for the season. The deadline is Monday 21st August. Missing this deadline will incur a fine and teams are not allowed to play until they have paid in full.
Two sides have yet to complete their BCFA affiliation. This must be done before you are able to play in the League.
When signing players on, the system now requires that you add the players address in full along with the postcode. Just putting in "England" or "UK" is not enough and it will not register with the League. If this is not corrected those players may be classed as unregistered and will be illegible to play.
The dates for next seasons Council of Clubs meetings are published in the new handbook. However I have copied them here for perusal.
Council of Clubs meeting. All held at Cubbington Sports and Social Club. Windmill Hill, Leamington Spa. CV32 7LN.
2023...... August 15TH. September 19th. October 17th
November 21st December 19th
2024...... January 16th February 20th March 19th
Next year the AGM WILL be held on Tuesday 9th July 2024.
A reminder especially to new teams. If you need help with anything please call someone.
For routine admin call League Secretary Steve Falp 01926 312428
or Asst Secretary Ian Sewell 01926 633270
If it's money issues call Mick Constable 01926 427403
For player registrations call Joe Kearns 01926 744500
For referee issues call Duncan Macauley 01926 420207
For Cup final issues call Ian Billington 07862 279688
For welfare contact James Barnwell 07745 816650.
Those clubs who need to complete their accreditation please call or email Luke Bowles. 07527 079432. luke.bowles@birminghamfa.com
If you need to call me (Mark Rowlatt) 07831 254546 or any of the other League Officers please call before 9pm.
At tonight's Council of Clubs meeting Cancer Cup Secretary Ian Sewell was able to present a cheque for just under £2500 to Jeff Reading, who accepted the cheque on behalf of Cancer Research UK. Jeff gave a small talk to the assembled group on the importance of the work that the money will go towards. Well done to all the teams that took part.
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